The Secret to Athletic Success

athletics. Most likely you are not a professional athlete. You are probably a regular person that has lots of interests besides bowling, basketball or whatever your chosen sport(s) happen to be. So if you aren’t a professional athlete, spending hundreds of hours a year at your profession, you probably aren’t going to hit scratch golf every time you go out or become a karate champion, but you may become your club champion and you may win a local tournament or two. In other words you can become the best athlete possible depending on the time you choose to invest in your sport. So get over trying to be a pro, unless you 77win have the time to invest to play at that level, and decide to develop your abilities to the level where you both play your best, and enjoy every moment you play.

The 5 Steps to Athletic Success

1. Get a Coach –Few people who participate in athletic activities actually get instruction. For example the number of people who actually get lessons from a pro golfer over their lifetimes is about eleven percent. The number of people that get training from a personal trainer at a gym is about the same. What is the percentage of people that actually take tennis lessons?  You might have guessed, it’s about the same.


It would be nice if all we had to do is watch someone else and be able to play a sport well, but for most of us this is just not a reality. Even the pros have coaches. Golfing sensation Tiger Woods has Hank Haney. Steffi Graf had her father Peter. Even the greatest boxer of all time, Muhammad Ali, had Angelo Dundee. All the greats have coaches and so should you.